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Spin-off Fellowship

Targeting STAT5 oligomerization in leukemia

Anna Orlova & Richard Moriggl

FFG Facts: max. €500T for 1,5yrs, start-up potential

Video link


Prototype Funding

Clever Dog Toy project

Ludwig Huber, Karin Bayer, Peter Füreder

Clever Dog Lab

AWS Prototype funding

CD Laboratory

Application-orientated basic research with benefit to companies & science.

Vetmeduni CD Laboratories

CDG Facts: 7 years, max.€600T/yr, industry partner

FFG Bridge funding

Closes the "funding gap” between basic and applied research.

Vetmeduni FFG Projects

FFG Bridge Facts: max. 36 months, 80% funding


Inhibitoren der CDK6 Expression

Veronika Sexl & Karoline Kollmann

Youtube Video

Link wings4innovation

Prototype Funding

Tumorzell-basierte Vakzine gegen Sarkoide beim Pferd

Sabine Brandt, Christoph Jindra, Edmund Hainisch

Research Group Oncology

AWS Prototype funding